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Nurol Makina Makes a Landing in the GCC

Nurol Makina Makes a Landing in the GCC

During the three-day-long event at the Doha, visitors and prospective clients will receive information about Nurol Makina’s range of 4x4 Tactical Armoured vehicles with mobility and mine/IED protection.

Nurol Makina designed and produced the first riot control vehicle in 2006. It also designed the Ejder TOMA vehicle with higher protection and mobility capabilities than other available anti-riot vehicles taking higher end-user requirements into account. With its high off-road performance and high ballistic protection, Ejder TOMA has already been chosen by various local and international users, including Africa, the Middle East and South America. Ejder TOMA is an indigenous design of Nurol Makina with its military chassis. The vehicle is highly effective in rural areas as well as urban areas. It is not only used by the security forces also used by the military forces. Ejder TOMA is a combat-proven vehicle, and it is essentially used in areas where conflict is intense.

Nurol Makina Makes a Landing in the GCC

Nurol Makina and Barzan Holding have been collaborating on armoured vehicles procurement of Qatar Army. The ambulance version of our Ejder Yalçın vehicle will be exhibited in Barzan Holding’s booth. Nurol Makina’s have become the preferred solutions of many countries in different parts of the world.

Nurol Makina officials are welcoming visitors at Milipol Qatar wishing to see best in class riot control vehicle at the indoor stand Number G – 22

Nurol Makina Makes a Landing in the GCC