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Nurol Makina Showcases its Ejder from Qatar's Inventory

Nurol Makina Showcases its Ejder from Qatar's Inventory

Nurol Makina, the provider of Ejder 4X4 armoured vehicles to Qatar Armed Forces, exhibits its Ejder car at Dimdex 2021. The car that actually serves in the streets can be seen closely.

The vehicle features a V-shaped hull design, integrating floating floor plates and blast mitigation seating to provide protection against mines and IED's. It can accommodate up to 11 personnel and carry a payload of up to four tons.

The vehicle can be equipped with optionally integrated, remote-controlled and manually-operated weapon stations. It is fitted with two gun ports on the roof. The optional armament mounted on the vehicle includes 7.62mm and 12.7mm machine guns, a 25mm anti-aircraft gun and a 40mm automatic grenade launcher.

The company has already provided vehicles to the country and signed a new agreement to supply an undisclosed number of armoured vehicles in March 2021. According to the announcement made on the official Twitter account of Qatar’s Defence Ministry. The ministry signed an agreement with local Holding Barzan, and the company signed a contract with Nurol Makina to procure Special Force Vehicles. No further detail was given about the sales amount. It was only announced that the first batch would be delivered in 2021 and the second batch in 2022.

The first contract was signed between Nurol Makina and Qatar in 2018. The agreement included the supply of 342 Ejder for Joint Special Forces. The Ejder vehicles are equipped with ASELSAN’s SARP-DUAL Remote-Controlled Stabilized Weapon Station (RCWS) and 214 YÖRÜK (NMS) 4×4 vehicles with the IGLA Missile Launching System and Anti-Tank Missile Launchers.