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Otokar participated in Eurosatory 2022 with six vehicles

Otokar participated in Eurosatory 2022 with six vehicles
Otokar will exhibit ARMA 6x6, ARMA 8x8, TULPAR tracked vehicles, COBRA II and COBRA II MRAP vehicles at the fair, where 33 national pavilions and more than 200 official delegations are expected to attend.Otokar participated in Eurosatory 2022 with six vehiclesOtokar General Manager Serdar Görgüç stated that they participated in the Eurosatory fair with vehicles with different characteristics; “As Turkiye’s most experienced land systems manufacturer, we represent our country abroad in the best possible way. We achieve new successes in the defence industry every day with our vehicles, which are in the inventory of more than 55 users in more than 35 friendly and allied countries. Our military vehicle actively serves various missions in different geographies under the most challenging climatic conditions. We are closer than ever to our current and potential users in the regional sense with our subsidiaries in other countries. Our users become a reference for new users every year. “Otokar participated in Eurosatory 2022 with six vehiclesPointing out that Eurosatory is one of the most important fairs of the defence industry sector, Serdar Görgüç said: “More than 30 years ago, when we decided to export Turkiye’s first armoured vehicle, we exhibited our products at this expo for the first time. In this sense, Eurosatory has a special meaning for our company. We have been one of the few land systems suppliers to NATO and the United Nations since we made our first export in the 1990s. We reflect on our experience in vehicle development efforts in different parts of the world. In the last ten years, we have allocated approximately 8 per cent of our turnover to R&D activities. Fortunately, today we have become a company that not only designs and develops products and exports vehicles but also transfers technology abroad. Our products and landfills will continue to operate in the future as it is today. our country with our capabilities in the field of We will continue to represent I in the global arena in the best way possible.”Otokar participated in Eurosatory 2022 with six vehiclesOtokar will exhibit;TULPAR medium tank, COCKERILL 3105 - with 105 mm TurretTULPAR Tracked Armoured Combat Vehicle with 30 mm RAFAEL SAMSON TurretARMA 8x8 Multi-Wheel Armoured Vehicle with 30 mm OTOKAR MIZRAK TurretARMA 6x6 Multi-Wheel Armoured Vehicle with 25 mm OTOKAR MIZRAK TurretCOBRA II MRAP Mine Protected Armoured VehicleCOBRA II Personnel CarrierOtokar participated in Eurosatory 2022 with six vehicles