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Pakistan’s first J-10C Appeared with PAF Camouflage

Pakistan’s first J-10C Appeared with PAF Camouflage

First photos of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) J-10C 4.5+ generation combat aircraft emerge, which are on the test lines in Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, or CAC, in Chengdu at the factory facility. Photos show a jet with classic two-tone PAF camouflage on the ground at the factory and an aircraft undertaking a test flight, which could be the same one.

Supposed close-ups also show the serial numbers 22-102 and 22-106, indicating that at least two aircraft are under test. Delivery of the jets is assumed in March, as the full squadron is expected to attend the Pakistan Day Parade 2022 on the 23rd of March.The first J-10C for Pakistan is spotted Chinese WS-10B Taihang turbofan engines rather than a Russian AL-31F as used in the jet’s J-10A and J-10B versions. That would imply that Pakistan is buying the latest J-10C version. It is known that China wanted to use its domestically produced engines, which would, in turn, expedite the sale since it would not require approval from Moscow for the transfer of engines and related parts.This marks the first export sale of the J-10. Previous reports have suggested that these export-configured aircraft would be designated J-10CE, F-10P, or FC-20. NATO’s calls sign for J-10C is “Firebrand”, also known as “Vigorous Dragon”. The export variant of J-10C was unveiled only in 2019.Pakistan’s first J-10C Appeared with PAF Camouflage

Pakistan’s interior minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed recently said the country is set to buy 25 J-10C fighter jets to counter India’s Rafale jets which are set to complete 36 Rafale orders by April this year.The J-10 is a single-engine, multirole fighter capable of all-weather operation, configured with a delta wing and canard design, with fly-by-wire flight controls. The J-10 is mainly designed for air-to-air combat but can also perform strike missions.