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Pirireis Submarine Might be Delivered to the Navy in 2021

Pirireis Submarine Might be Delivered to the Navy in 2021

Alper Köse, Head of Naval Platforms Department at Presidency of Defence Industries, provided information about the LHD programme. Köse stated that there is only the TCG Anadolu programme, but a second vessel might be on the agenda soon. 

He stated that unmanned aerial vehicles with foldable wings might function at LHD. He stated that UAVs might take off and land at TCG Anadolu at 100-150 meters.

Pirireis Submarine Might be Delivered to the Navy in 2021

Köse said, "For today, it may not be able to fulfil air to air combat, but it will be able to carry air to air missiles in the future. He also stated on the platform that the use of unmanned surface vehicles is also on the agenda.

The New Type Submarine Project was also discussed in the interview. Head of Department Köse said that Piri Reis, the first submarine, will enter the inventory next year according to the planning, "We are working to have it earlier, before the end of this year", he said.

Pirireis Submarine Might be Delivered to the Navy in 2021

Köse also stated that work is carried out on diverted energy weapon, known as laser.He said that Tübitak, ASELSAN, Meteksan Savunma are working on the project separately..