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Poland and MBDA UK to develop anti-tank vehicles armed with Brimstone

Poland and MBDA UK to develop anti-tank vehicles armed with Brimstone

Nine companies from Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ), Poland, have signed a cooperation agreement with the MBDA United Kingdom to develop anti-tank vehicles. The deal allows the vehicles to be armed with MBDA UK-made Brimstone anti-tank missiles

The document signed by PGZ and MBDA UK representatives is a continuation of the agreement reached in 2019.

Poland and MBDA UK to develop anti-tank vehicles armed with Brimstone missiles

The Ottokar-Brzoza program involved the acquisition by the Polish Armed Forces of a battery module for self-propelled tank destroyers. It is a modern platform capable of destroying armoured targets with anti-tank guided missiles. In addition to the tank destroyer itself, the module will also include auxiliary and command engines. The PGZ-Ottokar consortium is responsible for developing, producing, and delivering tank destroyers.

Poland and MBDA UK to develop anti-tank vehicles armed with Brimstone missiles

The Brimstone is an anti-tank missile developed by MBDA for the British Army and Royal Navy. These missiles can be launched from land-based platforms or naval platforms.Brimstone was developed in the mid-1990s and has been in service with the British Army since 2005.