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Qatar to Add Turkish UUVs and USVs to U.S. Ones

Qatar to Add Turkish UUVs and USVs to U.S. Ones

According to Lebanon-based Tactical Report’s article dated December 14, 2023, the Qatar Ministry of Defence prepares projects on Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) and Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) for Qatar Emiri Navy (QEN). Qatari Barzan Holdings initiated a collaboration with Turkish shipbuilders known for their expertise in manufacturing these vehicles. This move is, in fact, the result of a series of studies. According to the same publication’s articles on October 12  and June 15, QEN has conducted similar studies with American companies.


The Qatar naval project, undertaken in collaboration with Turkiye, is part of a broader initiative focused on advancing and innovating unmanned naval systems. Turkiye has various companies working in this domain, such as Aselsan, Roketsan, Havelsan, Meteksan-ARES shipyard, Yonca-Onuk and Sefine Shipyard. 

The United States also develops unmanned vehicles to minimize human risk in future operations. According to the same report series, Qatar wants to equip laser weapon systems into these unmanned systems.