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Reuters; Israel to Sell Air Defence System to UAE

Reuters; Israel to Sell Air Defence System to UAE

Reuters has published exclusive news about Israel -UAE arms deal. According to sources speaking to Reuters, Israel has agreed to sell an advanced air defence system to the United Arab Emirates. This would mark the first defence contract agreement between two countries. Both countries develop strategies to bolster defence against Iran.

According to sources, Israel approved a request from the UAE in the middle of summer and agreed to supply the Gulf state with Rafael-made SPYDER mobile interceptors.

According to a third source, the UAE has acquired Israeli technology capable of countering drone attacks like the one that hit Abu Dhabi earlier this year.

Rafael, the manufacturer of the SPYDER, and Israel’s, defines ministry both declined to comment. The foreign ministry of the UAE did not respond to Reuters’ questions.

When asked if Israel was providing the UAE with air defence systems, Ram Ben-Barak, chairman of the parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, told Israeli radio on September 20 that there was broad cooperation with the UAE but declined further comment.

Rafael says SPYDER can defend large areas against threats such as drones, cruise missiles, attack aircraft, helicopters, and bombers, even at low altitudes.

President Isaac Herzog, who was in the UAE at the time of the intercepted strike, stated that Israel supported the UAE’s security needs. Last week, Prime Minister Yair Lapid expressed shock at the attacks, and Israel stood by and with the UAE.