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Roketsan’s SRBM Tayfun is Tested

Roketsan’s SRBM Tayfun is Tested

It has been known for a long time that there are studies on the SRBM with the code name Tayfun; however, the project details were kept secret. With the fire testing at the airport, this information became public.

Roketsan’s SRBM Tayfun is Tested

Tayfun thus became Turkiye"s first Short-Range Ballistic Missile and the longest-range missile system. Although the range of missiles of this nature varies, the range is not expected to be less than 550 km. This range explains why the experiment was conducted in the country"s far east. Although the place may disturb Armenia, alternative trial sites could have caused more problems. Such sighting shots are usually made towards the sea. The tests are typically carried out at Sinop, where there is a test range. However, the missile range brings a new problem because it would reach neighbouring countries.

Roketsan’s SRBM Tayfun is Tested