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Romania Buys Javelin AAWS-M

Romania Buys Javelin AAWS-M

Following Russia's attack on Ukraine, security perceptions have changed almost all over the world, especially in Europe. Countries that implemented looser defence policies after the long and tiring years of the Cold War quickly increased their defence budgets. As a result of this, movement escalates in the market.

The last step of Romania, which renews its arsenal from the former Iron Curtain Period, was the FGM-148 Javelin Advanced Anti-Tank Weapon System-Medium (AAWS-M) missiles. Following the application, Washington approved the potential acquisition of Bucharest under Foreign Military Sales. The published document includes a total of 263 FGM-148F ammunition, as well as 26 Javelin Light Weight Command Launch Units (LWCLU).

Following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, many countries sent large amounts of aid to the defenders. As a result, it is known that there is a shortage of guided ammunition in Europe and the USA, and arsenal stocks have reached critical levels. For this reason, the course of the aid sent to Ukraine has also changed recently. Increasing requirements for systems manufactured in partnership with Raytheon / Lockheed Martin leads to the step of opening of additional production lines. Nevertheless, it will take time for a single supplier to meet the large amount of demand. On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that additional production lines entail additional costs, which will be reflected in sales prices.

Karaok tank top attack TurDef.jpg

(Roketsan's Karaok on tank top attack) 

At this point, there is an essential opportunity for alternative suppliers. Under current conditions, Roketsan, in particular, has an enormous market potential for Karaok. The fact that the production lines of the company, which has proven its competence and achieved extensive export success worldwide, are ready and have not yet reached full capacity with orders. This means short deadlines. In the current situation, Turkiye's ability to offer a cost-effective and NATO-standard product in the field of anti-tank guided missiles to the market with much shorter delivery periods means the possibility of taking a significant share of the pie, which the FGM-148 Javelin almost monopolises.