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Royal Navy Selects NSM

Royal Navy Selects NSM

The Royal Navy has selected Kongsberg's Naval Strike Missile (NSM) solution as a next-gen anti-ship surface-to-surface weapon. Information was officially published in Kongsberg's channels.

Naval Strike Missiles will replace the existing anti-ship missile infrastructure of the force. There is no detailed information about the contract, and the company declined to provide it. NSM is expected to become operational on board the Royal Navy vessels in around 12 months. Type 23 frigates and Type 45 destroyers are planned to be armed with NSM in line with the collaboration agreement with the Norwegian state.

The Royal Navy is transforming due to the changing balance of power in the world. The force requires modern vessels to escort Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers. The Royal Navy has taken a more serious procurement process management path after the Russian activities in exclusive economic zones off the coast of the British Isles.

Royal Navy Selects NSM