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Russia Claims Using Thermobaric Weapon in Ukraine

Russia Claims Using Thermobaric Weapon in Ukraine

Russia says it killed almost 300 Ukrainian soldiers with a thermobaric bomb, which Ukraine calls nonsense. The Russian army claims to have killed a large number of Ukrainian soldiers using a thermobaric weapon, also known as a "vacuum bomb," a strong munition that draws oxygen from the surrounding environment to sustain an explosion, CNN reported on Saturday.

According to CNN, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces informed Russian Defence Minister Seigei Shoigu during a meeting that up to 300 servicemen had been killed "as a result of an accurate strike by an aerial munition," Russia's Defence Ministry announced on Saturday.
It is known that Russia wanted to use tactical nuclear bombs in Ukraine but was prevented from using it. This time Russis’s claims is for thermobaric one which is less destructive but very effective one. 

There is no international instrument that directly addresses the legality of possessing or using thermobaric weapons. Several international treaties prohibit or restrict weapons that emit asphyxiating or toxic gases, poison or poisoned weapons, chemical weapons, and weapons principally intended to be incendiary. However, thermobaric weapons are primarily designed for explosions and are not particularly covered or prohibited from using these instruments. The fundamental customary law norms of international humanitarian law that govern the legality of all weapons, including thermobaric weapons, forbid causing unnecessary injury and suffering, as well as the use of indiscriminate weapons. Thermobaric weapons cause significant suffering. However, they will not be declared illegal just because of this effect.