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Russia’s Otvet anti-submarine missile gets test-fired

Russia’s Otvet anti-submarine missile gets test-fired

Russia test-fired Otvet anti-submarine missiles from the ZS-14 universal launcher from its Pacific Fleet Marshal Shaposhnikov frigate. Oniks and Kalibr cruise missiles can be launched from the same system. In November 2020, a defence industry source announced the completion of the state trials of Russia’s new Otvet anti-submarine complex, which was expected to be brought into service in December 2020 or January 2021.

The Russian navy hit an underwater target, the Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. “The Pacific Fleet’s Marshal Shaposhnikov frigate in the Sea of Japan fired an Otvet advanced anti-submarine missile at an underwater target. The missile’s warhead successfully hit the target, ” the statement reads. The ministry added that the anti-submarine missiles are launched by universal launchers that make it possible to use the Oniks and Kalibr cruise missiles,” the ministry added.

Otvet will be installed on Admiral Gorshkov-class frigates. Udaloy-class destroyers, Gremyashchiy-class corvettes, and Admiral Nakhimov heavy nuclear cruisers. In November 2020, Tass reported the completion of the state trials of Russia’s new Otvet anti-submarine complex, which was expected to be brought into service in December 2020 or January 2021. Otvet includes onboard sonar, a submersible helicopter sonar, a 3S-14 vertical launcher, an anti-submarine missile with 324mm MPT-1UM torpedoes, and communication and launch preparation systems. Underwater targets can be detected by both sonars and other warships and submarines, Il-38 and Tu-142 anti-submarine aircraft.

According to open sources, the complex consists of a guided anti-submarine missile fired from the ZS-14 universal launchers. After reaching the designated area, the Otvet missile releases a self-guided anti-submarine torpedo on a parachute, which continues to search for enemy submarines using its sonar station. The maximum range of the missile designed for warships is 40 kilometres.

Russia’s Otvet anti-submarine missile gets test-fired

Naval News reported that a ballistic trajectory launched the missile to the target area. The two-stage solid-fuel missile is 7.65 meters long, and the launch weight exceeds two tons. It has an inertial guidance system. Upon the separation of the first stage, the second stage takes the missile on a guided trajectory to the submarine area. Upon the separation of the second stage, the MPT-1UM torpedo splashes on a parachute, submerges and automatically searches for the target. It moves by a spiral without starting up the engine but with an operating acoustic homing warhead. The torpedo keeps its existence secret until it detects the target. The engine starts up after the target is detected. The torpedo approaches and destroys the submarine.

Otvet anti-submarine missile mission time is 1-2 minutes. The distance ranges from 5 to 50 km. The maximum flight speed is Mach 2.5. Four missiles can simultaneously attack one submarine. Major surface forces can build up multi-layered anti-submarine defence. In the close zone, the Paket-NM anti-submarine complex fights submarines and torpedoes. Otvet is in charge of the distance of 5 — 50 km. Torpedoes and depth bombs of Ka-27PL helicopters operate in a 100-km range.