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Russian Frigates Received Anti-Aircraft / Anti-Ship Missiles

Russian Frigates Received Anti-Aircraft / Anti-Ship Missiles

Russian frigates of project 22350 of the "Admiral Gorshkov" type received new capabilities. A new anti-aircraft missile system (SAM) "Poliment-Redut" is installed on Admiral Gorshkov to simultaneously hit air and sea targets.

The Navy has already completed a series of tests, where the destruction of surface ships of a mock enemy with the help of an air defence system was practised.

The frigate of project 22350, "Admiral Gorshkov", part of the Northern Fleet, was part of the missile tests of the Polyment-Redut air defence system. According to sources, all targets were hit, and the work was deemed successful. Several anti-aircraft missiles carried out strikes against naval targets, but their specific names were not disclosed.

Russian Frigates Received Anti-Aircraft / Anti-Ship Missiles

Now the standard air defence system of frigates can shoot down drones, cruise missiles, planes and helicopters, sink corvettes, destroyers, and other enemy ships.

The frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" is actively testing new weapons systems. Several hypersonic Zircon missiles were launched from its side this year. The Russian Ministry of Defence has already reported that at the end of November, he once again successfully fired this missile from the White Sea at a naval target, which was located at a distance of more than 400 km.

Russian Frigates Received Anti-Aircraft / Anti-Ship Missiles