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SAGE to Produce indigenous Air to Air missiles

SAGE to Produce indigenous Air to Air missiles

Defence Industry Executive Committee (SSIK) has decided to start the serial production of Turkish Indigenous Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan air-to-air missiles. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) Defence Industries Research and Development Institute (SAGE) will produce the missiles.

TUBİTAK SAGE has developed Gökdoğan (Peregrine)long-range (BVRAAM) and Bozdoğan (Merlin) short-range (WVRAAM) air-to-air missiles within the Göktuğ Development project. SAGE manager Gürcan Okumuş has stated in the past that the Institute may go for serial production as it is “a boutique production and does not require a serial production line”. With the SSİK decision, his words became a reality.SAGE previously conducted Stand-Off Missile SOM and transferred the technology to Roketsan. SAGE also continues Gökhan ramjet engine air-to-air missile.