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SandCat EX11 to Israel

SandCat EX11 to Israel

Israel-origin manufacturer Plasan announced the handover of SandCat vehicles. The Israel Armed Forces are starting to receive SandCat EX11 armoured wheeled vehicles.  EX11 variant platforms are based on the Ford F550 truck chassis. Plasan is developed entire SandCats over these components. Vehicles are procured with direct acquisition method because of urgent operational requirements, according to source reports. Israel Defence Ministry Directorate of Procurement has ordered 50 SandCats because of "operational challenges facing the forces in the field.".SandCat EX11 to IsraelBeing based on commercial chassis, platforms offer cost-effective acquisition and sustainment to the user. All-wheel drive and Ford V8 engine provide considerable manoeuvrability. The modular structure of the platform also offers mission flexibility.