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Saudi Arabia Exhibits Korean MLRS System at WDS

Saudi Arabia Exhibits Korean MLRS System at WDS

Republic of Korea (ROK) announced on February 6 a defence export agreement with Saudi Arabia worth $ 3.2 billion. The new deal primarily covers the KM-SAM Block II system, which can intercept aircraft and cruise missiles.

Saudi Arabia's military has previously turned to ROK Korean products for its defence needs, purchasing Raybolt portable anti-tank missiles in 2017. Then, in March 2023, they officially acquired the K239 Chunmoo multi-barrel rocket launcher, following in the footsteps of its neighbour, the United Arab Emirates.

Apart from the  Hanwha Corporation’s K239 Chunmoo, the Saudi Arabian military currently operates the M270 MLRS from the U.S. and the Astros II MLRS from Brazil.

The K239 is known for its multi-calibre launch capability, which allows it to fire 130 mm unguided rockets, 227 mm unguided rockets, and 239 mm guided rockets.