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Several British soldiers left service to fight in Ukraine

Several British soldiers left service to fight in Ukraine

"We are aware that a small number of individual soldiers have disobeyed orders and left without permission, and may have travelled to Ukraine in a personal capacity," a British Army spokesman said BBC reported.

"We are actively and strongly encouraging them to return to the UK." The British Army has barred its troops from going to Ukraine in any capacity during the ongoing conflict with Russia. But the prohibition has been violated. He added that there was no difference between soldiers on duty or on leave who did so.

Several British soldiers left service to fight in Ukraine

What is clear is that personnel travelling to Ukraine will face the consequences of being undisciplined and violating the rules.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has previously said she supports UK civilians who might want to go to Ukraine to help fight and that it was up to people to make their own decisions. The government clarified immediately that the Foreign Office advises against all travel to Ukraine. Defence Secretary Ben Wallace and Prime Minister Boris Johnson stressed their opposition.

Several British soldiers left service to fight in Ukraine

Previously, President Volodymyr Zelensky had announced that foreign nationals worldwide who wish to join Ukraine against Russian military aggression could come to his country by first registering with the Ukrainian embassies in their respective countries. Kyiv said as many as 16,000 volunteer personnel had come to Ukraine to fight against Russia.