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Single-crystal Success from Tübitak to TEI

Single-crystal Success from Tübitak to TEI

TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Centre (MAM) handed over a single-crystal turbine blade set to TUSAS Engine Industries Inc. (TEI). The President of TÜBİTAK, Prof. Dr Hasan Mandal, presented the set to the Chairman and CEO of TEI, Prof. Mahmut F. Akşit.

Single-crystal Success from Tübitak to TEI

The President of TÜBİTAK, Prof. Dr Hasan Mandal, presented the set to the Chairman and CEO of TEI, Prof. Mahmut F. Akşit.

Akşit stated that these single-crystal turbine blades are the most critical part of the engine. He underlined that their export is also under control and added, “Foreign countries may sell the product, but they would not provide know-how or transfer technology.” Akşit said that the set would be used at the 5th TS-1400 engine, which will power up the Gökbey helicopter.

Single-crystal Success from Tübitak to TEI

Single-Crystal Turbine Blade

Meaning of single-crystal

Jet engine turbine blades need to be extremely durable to resist operating conditions. Along with the massive mechanical loadings they experience, they need to withstand extremely high temperatures. The turbine blade has two distinguishing material features. It is made of a superalloy with superior mechanical strength and creeps resistance at high temperatures, good corrosion and oxidation resistance compared to ordinary metals and alloys. Secondly, it is formed out of a single metal crystal, which gives the blade outstanding strength at high temperatures. Bulk metals are mostly not one giant crystal: they are composed of many tiny crystallites called grains. The boundaries between these grains generally increase metal strength; however, they provide a way for the metal to deform over time at high temperatures. Creating a turbine blade as a single crystal means it does not have any grain boundaries, and it is intrinsically stronger at high temperatures than polycrystalline metals. This property has allowed turbine jet engines to be operated reliably at very high temperatures, which increases the efficiency and safety of the machine.

According to information available on the internet, each blade costs more than 40 thousand USD.

TÜBİTAK: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) is the leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Turkey.