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SpearUAV Unveiled VIPER

SpearUAV Unveiled VIPER

Last week, SpearUAV, an Israeli developer of autonomous, AI-based technology for encapsulated UAS, unveiled the Viper encapsulated and launchable hovering precision attack drone. Viper provides tactical forces with immediate, precise, and autonomous aerial loitering munition (ALM) capability against BLOS targets.

According to the company, the Viper"s hovering capability enhances force protection by allowing aerial observation of targets in complex urban environments, including reviewing buildings floor by floor, while offering mission abort and wave-off capabilities.

SpearUAV Unveiled VIPER

The system is rugged, compact, portable, and wearable, and it can be launched on demand, with mission readiness achieved in less than a second from static and moving positions. Viper is designed for single-user operation. The combination of a day and night payload and artificial intelligence-based computer vision for real-time target recognition and tracking allows for an intuitive user interface with minimal collateral damage.

SpearUAV Unveiled VIPER

The Viper is equipped with the Ninox GCS (Ground Control System), which is compatible with Android, Microsoft Windows, and Linux and is adaptable to all ammunition available today. The open system architecture seamlessly integrates with existing C2 systems.

SpearUAV Unveiled VIPER

SpearUAV will participate in UVID Dronetech 2022, Israel"s largest UAV event, which will take place on November 9th at Expo Tel Aviv and November 10th in Yeruham.