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SSB Starts 14 New R&D Projects

SSB Starts 14 New R&D Projects

In his statement on social media, President of the Defence Industry Agency (SSB) Professor Haluk Görgün has given names of projects like the KAAN fighter jet, MİLDAR synthetic aperture radar, TUYGUN electro-optical targeting system, and KERKES GNSS-independent navigation system for UAVs. It can be inferred that the new R&D projects are related to them.

These new R&D projects were planned for 2023, but the signing ceremony are held in 2024. They are listed as:

  • AMETİST: Laser processing of metal dust for metal-based composites
  • ÖTEKTİK: High-temperature ceramic composites
  • SİCİM: Development of SiC-based composites
  • NOVA: Nano-material-based pyrotechnics
  • LAV: Castable insensitive explosives
  • KARBOSEN: Catalysts for solid-fuel rockets
  • DRO: Low-phase noise dielectric resonator/oscillators
  • KRİSTAL OSİLATOR: Low-phase noise crystal oscillators
  • SAS: Underwater synthetic aperture imaging
  • YIG: Yttrium Iron Garnet Filters
  • SÜMER: Central swarm UAV development
  • GENIUS 2.0: Determination of factors affecting the cognitive workload
  • ALP-EREN: Field-programmable integrated circuits
  • CİNGÖZ: Fake image detection methods

In 2023, SSB announced another set of R&D projects. These projects include quantum sensor systems, which ASELSAN’s CEO Ahmet Akyol, as SSB’s Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems Coordinator at that time, revealed on a roadmap in 2022. Some of these were:

  • Quantum Radar
  • Quantum LIDAR
  • KARINCA for the development of a V2X communication infrastructure for military and civilian vehicles
  • YONCA for the development of multi-core processors
  • GÖKSU for the formation of autonomous swarm systems

ASELSAN is continuing its work in quantum radars, and the first quantum emission was done in the KUANTAL laboratory at the end of January 2023.