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Sweden Prepares for Future Fighter Aircraft Concepts

Sweden Prepares for Future Fighter Aircraft Concepts

The Swedish government has appointed Saab to conduct a thorough study of the concept of a future fighter aircraft without limitations.The Swedish government has asked Saab to present the findings of its study concerning the comparative merits of constructing its own future fighter platform, engaging in collaborative development with external entities, or procuring products from foreign sources. According to Saab’s news statement, the research includes conceptual investigations of both manned and unmanned solutions from a systems viewpoint and the development of technologies and demonstrations. Saab further stated its intention to collaborate with government agencies and industrial partners to advance this research further. The official stated, per Chatham House Rules, that three alternatives are available: “construct the system, collaborate with someone to develop the system, or... procure the system.” He proceeded to state that this question remains unresolved. Sweden, formerly a participant in the Future Combat Air System (FCAS) led by the United Kingdom, has terminated its involvement, while Japan has become interested, and the potential for Saudi Arabia’s collaboration has emerged. The FCAS programme is among several international endeavours that aim to investigate the system concepts of next-generation systems, wherein novel fighters assume a pivotal role in multifaceted combat endeavours. Sweden asserts that it is not rushing to evaluate potential alternatives, as Gripen is anticipated to service for several decades. During an event held in Paris in June 2023, General Lars Helmrich, the Director of Air and Space Systems at the Swedish Defence Materials Administration, expressed that there is no immediate requirement for additional fighters, a circumstance that may distinguish our country from others.