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TB2 Destroyed a Helicopter

TB2 Destroyed a Helicopter
Ukrainian TB2 Armed UAVs reached a new milestone in the war against Russia. Ukraine started to use TB2s against targets on the ground, developed skills to hit boats and recently hit a helicopter. Ukraine used TB2s at the beginning of the war to attack ground targets such as tanks, logistic tankers, and air defence installations. The army gained a lot of experience in hitting such targets and progressed to the following phase, where it started to hit small boats on the Black Sea. The targeted vessels are no smaller than land vehicles, but the ammunition is ineffective if it misses the target and falls into the water. While Ukraine uses TB2 to destroy targets on Snake Island and surrounding waters, a new challenge appeared for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. TB2 Destroyed a Helicopter TB2, flying near the Snake Island, destroyed a Russian Mi-8 helicopter from the 487th Independent Helicopter Regiment that was dismounting soldiers onto Island. Ukrainian Armed Forces released a video of the shot. The video shows the Russian soldiers getting off the helicopter, but it can not be said whether the helicopter is in hover near the ground or is actually touching the ground. The movements of military personnel seem like they are jumping from helicopter to the land, which is a common practice, but there is no evidence of it now.The hit will not require a new technique if the helicopter is actually on the ground. The only difference will be the target itself. The aircraft, however, might be on hover. In this scenario, the target, unlike previous ones, will have a third dimension, altitude. TB2 Destroyed a Helicopter A lateral launch of ammunition will require more complex technics than a vertical launch. A laterally launched ammunition may miss the target as it may pass above or below the target. The TB2 may release the ammunition up to 14 km away from the target. In this case, the TB2 personal may have developed new skills to hit air platforms. TB2 uses Roketsan"s Mini Smart Ammunition.TB2 has previously destroyed a cargo aircraft in Libya which was on the ground, most probably taxiing.