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TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March

TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March
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Turkey’s Multipurpose Amphibious Assault Ship (TCG Anadolu) is under construction. Sedef Shipyard is the main constructor, while Spanish State-owned shipyard Navantia which constructed LHD class Juan Carlos 1 previously, is the subcontractor. The pandemic caused a major delay in construction, but the Turkish industry is working hard to deliver it early.

Even though the contractors believe that the vessel can be delivered in March 2022, everyone is not convinced. TurDef learned that the ship would be most probably delivered in the second half of 2022.

Turkish Navy has appointed the officer and noncommissioned officer since May 2021. They are conducting the tests on the vessel.

TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March

According to the contract, the vessel was supposed to be delivered in November 2021. President Erdoğan asked it to be delivered earlier, but it was not possible due to the pandemic. The pandemic caused major delays. The contractors were given a time extension of four months with no penalty. The shipyard targets delivering the vessel on March 2022, but this may not happen.

It was very difficult to find some labour force for very specific jobs that require highly qualified skills. Welding can be a good example of it.

TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March

Everything must be done in order. ADA Class Corvette has 250 km cable in ad TCG Anadolu has 1200 km. Harness and wiring can be performed only after welding is completed.

The Vessels design was finalised, but there were minor changes which is a time-consuming process. The shipyard had to ask Navantia’s approval, but they were slow in responding compared to the Turkish process.

The shipyard has other ships to construct. It may sometimes allocate its human sources and infrastructure to finish them first. The construction waits for others. When all are combined, receiving the vessel before the year ends is more realistic than March 2022.

TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March

FNSS Savunma Sistemleri’s new amphibious armoured vehicle ZAHA would be ready when the ship gets in the inventory. There is no surprise in it.

There is no study conducted on TCG Anadolu vessel related to Hürjet aircraft.

TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March

The vessel characterised as the admiral ship of Turkish Naval Forces is 232 meters in length and 32 meters in width. Standing at 58 meters high, TCG Anadolu has a 1,400 m2 lower garage for heavy loads below the hangar. TCG Anadolu features a 1,165 m2 floodable well-dock, 1,800 m2 light vehicle deck, 5,440 m2 flight deck with six landing spots and a ski-jump ramp in front, and 900 m2 hangar space.

TCG Anadolu: in 2022 but not before March

TCG Anadolu will cruise in the Aegean, Black Sea, and Mediterranean regions and, when necessary, in the Indian Ocean (north of Arabian Peninsula, west of India) and Atlantic Ocean (west of Europe, northwest of Africa). The vessel can transport an amphibious troop and required combat and support vehicles to crisis regions and participate in landing operations with the landing crafts it carries in its dock without any support from the main base. In addition, it will have a flight deck that will enable it to run operations both during the day and at night.

This news is exclusive to TurDef. It might be republished by referring to Turdef.