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TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme
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Turkish Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) destroyer TF-2000 is close to starting the programme but waits for the correct formula. The long waited destroyer programme is part of the National Ship (MILGEM) project scope. The MİLGEM Project aims to meet the warship requirements of the Turkish navy through national means: Corvette (ADA Class), Frigate (I class) and Destroyer (TF-2000 class). TurDef has learned critical problems that are waiting for the solution.

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme

TF2000 class will provide survivability in the presence of aerial threats and also support mission functions such as command, control, and communications, reconnaissance, early warning, surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare and electronic warfare. The multi-function Phased Array Radar (ÇAFRAD) is the main sensor of the ship. The radar system combines indigenous design with the latest technological advances, including fully solid-state transmit/receive modules, digital signal processing, pulse compression, multiple target tracking, electronic beam stabilization, and advanced electronic counter-counter measures. ÇAFRAD suite creates detailed long-range recognized air pictures with multitasking functionality.

TF2000 is Close To Starting the ProgrammeTurkish navy is the end-user of the destroyer and has important input and feedback about the requirements of the ship. It established the Design Project Office (DPO) in 2017. The Presidency of Defence Industries is the one that governs that industry. The navy wants to design its ship and build it in navy shipyards. In navy terms, those are vital phases. The DPO staff is very experienced, but there might be unexpected, never considered before issues. Design and build in its own facilities provide some degree of relief to the navy. Last-minute changes can be adopted to the ship. Private shipyards would demand amendment in the contract. SSB, however, consider the integrity of Turkish industry and private shipyards to the project. The integration starts from the design phase, where ships are designed according to the navy’s requirements. Once the vessel is designed, it can be built in Turkey and be also exported.

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme

The design activities of the AAW Project is, therefore, at the moment at the preliminary stage. The studies are conducted, and the platform’s configuration is being evaluated as the weapon systems and sensors havecritical importance, but no decision is taken. Once the decision is made, the design phase may start according to the decision. The acquisition programme, which consists of design, prototype and serial production phases, may begin at once.

The ÇAFRAD will have the capability to detect the surface and air tracks from a long distance and provide data to engage if required within the longest possible range of weapons, creating a layered air defence. The X Band radar will be the most important sensor of the destroyer. In 2019, several tests were carried out with the ÇAFRAD Test Group, where the ESSM Missile shot down the target aircraft. Even though the system has passed most of the critical milestones, Turdef learned that the cost of radar is one of the concerns as the price of ÇAFRAD greatly affects the cost of the ship.

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme

Even though Turkey has lost time on the project, there is no alternative option on the table. Following Royal Navy’s Type 45 HMS Defender AAW destroyer’s visit to Istanbul, some publishers commented that the UK might want to sell Type 45 to Turkey. TurDef has asked this option to both parties. Both parties ensured that there is no such intention. The ship harboured to Istanbul only for the promotion of UK Industrial Day. “

TF2000 is Close To Starting the Programme

This news is exclusive to TurDef. It might be republished by referring to Turdef.