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The range of Akya Torpedo Doubled

The range of Akya Torpedo Doubled

Turkish Navy’s indigenous heavyweight Akya Torpedo has got an upgrade. The range of torpedo is extended over 30 km. According to, Roketsan business development manager Murat Silav attended the online meeting with students. Speaking to Bursa Technical University Lagari Aviation and Defence Club, Silav stated that Akya’s range was 15 km. It is updated as over 30 km.

Akya is a joint Project from Turkish Naval Research Centre CommandArmerkom, Tubitak-Sage and Roketsan. Roketsan is the prime contractor. The torpedo has a 7-meter length and diameter of 533 mm. It has 350 kg warhead and 1200 kg total weight. It can reach 40 knots.

The range of Akya Torpedo Doubled

The torpedo has fibre optic guidance, active and passive sonars, magnetic proximity fuse.

The torpedo passed launched from Gür class submarine on January 21 for acceptance tests. The torpedoes will be delivered to the Turkish Navy in 2021 and be used from all submarine platforms.

As with all of Turkey’s indigenous munition programs, Turkey aims to eliminate reliance on foreign systems. In turn, the country hopes to save on costs and protect itself from supply interruptions or pressure from foreign governments.

In terms of maritime weapons, Turkey has produced its anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM), the Atmaca and is also developing its lightweight torpedo, the 324 mmORKA. Aselsan introduced the Lightweight Torpedo ORKA during the IDEF ‘17 Fair over a mock-up. ORKA is expected to be ready by 2025.