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The UK Tested CBRN UGV

The UK Tested CBRN UGV

The United Kingdom Ministry of Defence conducted a five-week trial with unmanned ground systems and sensor payload. During tests, the UGV sensor concept"s feasibility and the technology"s maturity are studied. The event is carried out in cooperation with Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.

Viking unmanned ground vehicle is tested with CBRN sensors. There are two mass spectrometers, two vapour sensors and a gamma radiation spectrometer for detecting chemical and radiological hazards on the vehicle. Adding this sensor technology to a modular "pallet" means it is more scalable and cost-effective, as it could then be mounted onto the appropriate platform as and when required.

The UK Tested CBRN UGV

Trials were held at Salisbury Plain, and 28 Engineer Regiment (C-CBRN) soldiers also worked. Unmanned systems offer robust solutions in hazardous areas for CBRN operations. Systems can fulfil reconnaissance tasks in contaminated regions. This comes with benefits such as reduced human resources necessity and lower risk.