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Trilateral Memorandum in Madrid: Everyone is Happy

Trilateral Memorandum in Madrid: Everyone is Happy

Trilateral Memorandum in Madrid: Everyone is Happy

As a result of that meeting, foreign ministers signed a trilateral memorandum which confirms that Turkiye will at the Madrid Summit this week support the invitation of Finland and Sweden to become members of NATO. The NATO Allies will agree on the concrete steps of the two countries’ accession to NATO during the next two days, but that decision is now imminent.

Trilateral Memorandum in Madrid: Everyone is Happy

The joint memorandum underscores the commitment of Finland, Sweden and Turkiye to extend their full support against threats to each other’s security.

The memorandum states that the representatives of Turkiye, Finland and Sweden, under the auspices of the NATO Secretary General, have agreed that Turkiye, Finland and Sweden affirm their adherence to the principles and values enshrined in the Washington Treaty. As prospective NATO Allies, Finland and Sweden extend their full support to Turkiye against threats to its national security. To that effect, Finland and Sweden will not support YPG/PYD, and the organisation described as FETO in Turkiye. Turkiye also extends its full support to Finland and Sweden against threats to their national security.

Trilateral Memorandum in Madrid: Everyone is Happy

Turkiye, Finland and Sweden confirm that there are no national arms embargoes between them. Sweden is changing its national regulatory framework for arms exports concerning NATO Allies. In future, defence exports from Finland and Sweden will be conducted in line with Alliance solidarity and following the letter and spirit of article 3 of the Washington Treaty.

Turkiye,Trilateral Memorandum in Madrid: Everyone is Happy Finland and Sweden will establish a Permanent Joint Mechanism, with the participation of experts from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior, and Justice, as well as Intelligence Services and Security Institutions. The Permanent Joint Mechanism will be open for others to join.

Trilateral Memorandum in Madrid: Everyone is Happy

Turkiye confirms its long-standing support for NATO’s Open Door policy and agrees to support at Jhe 2022 Madrid Summit the invitation of Finland and Sweden to become members of NATO.

On Tuesday, US President Joe Biden congratulated Turkey, Sweden, and Finland on signing a memorandum that paved the way for the two Nordic countries to join NATO.

Trilateral Memorandum in Madrid: Everyone is Happy

"Congratulations to Finland, Sweden, and Turkey on signing a trilateral memorandum – a crucial step towards a NATO invite to Finland and Sweden, which will strengthen our Alliance and bolster our collective security – and a great way to begin the Summit," Biden wrote on Twitter.