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TRTEST to Export Testing Capabilities

TRTEST to Export Testing Capabilities

The TRTEST company was established to test Turkey’s defence industry products. It signed a cooperation protocol with Fly Bvlos Technology, a UK-based company.

Fly Bvlos Technology which is preparing to provide UAV pilot training at British and European standards, signed a cooperation protocol with TRTEST Test and Evaluation Inc.

Fly Bvlos Technology starts cooperation with TRTEST for the testing, evaluation and certification of hardware and software developed and currently used within the framework of its investment in the future of UAV.

Within the agreement, all unmanned systems, especially the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), and the hardware and software developed/used for these systems will be tested at the TRTEST Unmanned Aerial Systems (İHS) Test and Evaluation Centre in Kalecik district of Ankara. Testing and evaluation studies will be carried out for testing, evaluation and certification. Furthermore, these services will be marketed and sold internationally.

Fly Bvlos Technology CEO Kamil Demirkapu stated that the agreement would be a reference to UAV systems in Turkey and friendly countries. Demirkapu added, “We will increase UAV competencies and awareness both at home and abroad by preparing the test, evaluation, and certification infrastructure of UAV systems. We will begin to provide all necessary training, testing, and certification for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), the use of which is increasing in civilian life. Furthermore, these systems will serve as a model, and we will be able to export information to other countries.”