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TUSAŞ Starts Flight Test School

TUSAŞ Starts Flight Test School

International Test Pilots School (ITPS) Canada and Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) start a new training academy in Turkiye. This results from lessons learned from Hürkuş test pilot and flight test engineer training.
Twelve students from Turkish Air Force, Directorate General Civil Aviation, Turkish Aerospace and ASELSAN participate in the school, which will add a new path to their career in flight testing for fixed-wing civil and military aircraft, such as the HÜRKUŞ, HÜRJET Advanced Trainer and light attack jet and KAAN Fighter jet.
Turkish Aerospace Flight Test Pilots Murat Özpala and Emre Can Kaya joined the ITPS instructor team as instructors. The course marks ITPS Türkiye's launch as an ITPS Canada branch under a partnership agreement with TUSAŞ.