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U.S. Army Awards BAE Systems Full Rate Production for AMPV

U.S. Army Awards BAE Systems Full Rate Production for AMPV

The initial contract’s value is US$432.5 million. When additional options for a potential total contract are added, the total amount may reach $1.6 billion.

The new AMPV combat vehicle will take over the role of the M113 family, which makes up about 30 per cent of the tracked vehicles in the Armoured Brigade Combat Teams (ABCT). The AMPV is developed to provide solutions that M113s have experienced: survivability, force protection, mobility, and power.

AMPV shares the same powertrain and suspension with the M2Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) and the M109A7 Paladin self-propelled howitzer. The presence of AMPV will reduce logistical and mechanical complexity in ABCT.

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The 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Armoured Brigade Combat Team was the initial transition unit from the M113 to the AMPV. After comprehensive training, the brigade received over 130 AMPVs in July 2023 to complete a full set.

The U.S. Army has acquired more than 276 of the projected 450 combat AMPVs delivered by the end of 2024. Meanwhile, deliveries of full production vehicle levels are expected to begin in early 2025, with the remainder completed by 2027.

Over the next two decades, the U.S. Army anticipates its global fleet will consist of nearly 3,000 AMPVs, spanning five different variants.