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UK Embodies ECRS Mk.2 Radar on Eurofighter Jet

UK Embodies ECRS Mk.2 Radar on Eurofighter Jet

BAE Systems and Leonardo UK have announced that they have installed the advanced radar ECRS Mk.2 (European Common Radar System Mark.2) and AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) technology on a British Eurofighter. The aircraft will perform its first flight in 2024. The aircraft is not operational but will be used in tests and evaluations. The ECRS Mk.2 incorporates a Multi-Functional Array (MFA) for search and target detection and operations of electronic warfare. The installation of the ECRS Mk.2 is part of the program of £2.35 billion British Eurofighter upgrade, announced by London in 2022. The new radar is expected to be characterized as operational in 2030.

The radar will be further integrated inside the Typhoon final assembly hangar at Warton.