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UK Sends Challenger 2 MBTs to Ukraine

UK Sends Challenger 2 MBTs to Ukraine

British Premier called Ukraine"s President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday and confirmed he would send the equipment and additional artillery systems, according to Downing Street 10. According to the BBC, the initial commitment might be for about a dozen tanks.

UK Sends Challenger 2 MBTs to Ukraine

President Zelensky has thanked the UK, saying that the decision will strengthen Ukraine on the battlefield and send the right signal to other partners.

UK Sends Challenger 2 MBTs to Ukraine

The Challenger tank was built in the late 1990s; however, it will be the most modern tank available to Ukraine. As of now, Poland intends to send 14 Leopard tanks made in Germany. However, the tanks, which are in greater supply and are used by a number of European armies, require German approval before being exported to Ukraine. Ukraine is also hoping that the United States will supply some of its Abrams tanks, which use the same ammunition as the Leopard.

Earlier this month, Germany and the United States agreed to join France in sending armoured fighting vehicles to Ukraine, which is seen as a significant boost to its military"s battlefield capability.