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Ukraine Supports Sapsan Programme

Ukraine Supports Sapsan Programme

The contract for the first research division of the Hrim-2/ Sapsan missile system will be signed in 2021.

Defence Minister Andriy Taran said. "In January, we visited our strategic enterprises of the domestic rocket and space industry in Dnipro - Pivdenmash and Pivdenne Design Bureau. After getting acquainted with promising developments in missile and jet weapons for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, we stated our readiness to expand funding for the Ukrainian missile program. Now we are moving to concrete steps."

Taran stated that the majority of the work had been accomplished. It should be finalised. "Since the degree of readiness of the entire project has already exceeded 80%, we must take the last step and complete this work. The development of the domestic operational and tactical missile system from the Pivdenne Design Bureau has the highest priority, commensurate with the Neptune missile system," Taran said.