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Ukraine's Defence Expo under the shadow of Pandemic: Arms and Security

Ukraine's Defence Expo under the shadow of Pandemic: Arms and Security
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The Arms and Security Expo and the International Aerospace Salon “Aviasvit – XXI will open their doors in Kyiv next Tuesday. These expos will be one of the most crucial expos due to Ukraine – Russian conflict over Crimea. The organisation will host 332 companies, including 35 foreign companies from 13 countries.

Turkish – Ukrainian relations are developing every day. However, four companies will attend the expo due to the ongoing pandemic: Turkish Defence and Aerospace Industry Exporters Association (SSI) will be represented at the 104-meter square area on the info stand and business lounge. Mechanical and Chemical Industry Company has a 96-meter square stand. Istanbul based high-tech manufacturer and supply chain manager of Turkey and the MENA Region, Menatek, with a 48-meter square stand. The Anadolu Plazma has a 16-meter square stand.


Firefly Aerospace Inc (USA), a Ukrainian businessman Maksym Polyakov’s company, which has contracts with NASA to deliver cargo to the Moon under the CLPS program of the Artemis project will also celebrate at events in Kyiv.

Ukrainian Nibulon (Mykolayiv)and French (OCEA) coast guard boat co-production for the interests of the State, the Border Guard Service of Ukraine will be presented. Ukraine and France on official support in strengthening maritime security and border security according to an agreement signed on 19 November 2019 in Paris during Milipol 2019.

The Expo was supposed to be held in October 2020. It was postponed to April. It was postponed for the second time to June due to the pandemic.