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Ukrainian Ada will provide Air Defence Missions

Ukrainian Ada will provide Air Defence Missions

Almost two weeks ago, on September 7, 2021, the keel-laying ceremony of the first Ada-type corvette for the Ukrainian Navy took place in Istanbul. Two Ukrainian publications Defense Express and ArmyInform had interviews with Neizhpapa and TurDef combines interviews for you. 

The first corvette of this type in 2024 should be put into service of the Navy

Neizhpapa spoke about the details of the project.

Construction of the ship began in January 2021. So far, 13 sections and keels of the hull of the first Ada corvette have already been made. The entire hull of the first Ada corvette for Ukraine should be built by April 2022.

The ship should be delivered to Ukraine “with certain units” by the end of 2022, and the completion of our facilities should be completed by 2024.

The first corvette under the Ada project for the Ukrainian Navy will cost 3.8 billion hryvnias or about 150 million dollars.

According to Rear Admiral Neizhpapa, the main task of Ada class corvettes will be to provide air defence, tactical groups.

Rear Admiral Neizhpapa described the future equipment of Ada corvettes short-range air defence systems, modern combat control system, navigation, radar station, sonar for search and detection of submarines, EW system.

And we hope that in 2024 the Ukrainian Navy will have the first tactical group consisting of several missile boats, which we plan to build together with our partners from the UK. A corvette, - said Rear Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa.

He also said: “they will be able to adapt to all currently available types of anti-ship missiles, both foreign-made and domestic.” This phrase might hint Ukraine that “Neptune” can be installed to the Ukrainian fleet under the Turkish project.

Ukrainian Ada will provide Air Defence Missions

Rear Admiral Oleksiy Neizhpapa explained why they preferred a Turkish vessel: “At present, Ukraine can form the hull of almost any ship without any problems, and there are specialists and factories for this purpose. But making a ship a combat-ready system is a problem. That’s why we took this path to bring these technologies to us. After all, according to the Turkish side’s agreement, by the end of 2022, the ship’s hull with some systems will be transported to Ukraine to the company, where other completion will be carried out. This will ensure that our shipbuilders work on an important project for the development of the national fleet.

He also noted that the training of crews for Ada corvettes would be carried out with the involvement of partners from Turkey. And this is extremely important because without trained personnel, even if many warships are built, all efforts will be in vain.