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Ukrainian city Mariupol shows interest in Israel’s Iron Dome

Ukrainian city Mariupol shows interest in Israel’s Iron Dome

Ukraine’s Mariupol city authorities are planning to buy an Iron Dome system from Israel to protect Mariupol International Airport. The airport, located 5km from the city, was closed in June 2014 due to the escalation of an armed conflict. The airport is situated in the extreme south-eastern part of Ukraine near the border with Russia. The efforts however may not convince Ukrainian aviation authorities.

Deputy Mayor of Mariupol, Sergei Zakharov said that all the necessary security measures must be taken so the airport could be reopened. He mentioned Israel’s Iron Dome. “For security, the Israelis use the Iron Dome tactical defence system. We can adopt this practice,” Zakharov was quoted as saying by

Ukrainian city Mariupol shows interest in Israel’s Iron Dome

According to the deputy mayor, the cost of the system is Euros 50 million - that is the price of one Iron Dome battery capable of covering 150 square kilometres of territory from enemy missiles. “For example, the experience of Israel is very well-known,” Zakharov explains the initiative of the city authorities. “Flights are allowed there, even though the airport is eight kilometres from the buffer zone. The Iron Dome tactical air defence system is used for safety. We can adopt this practice. We already have progressed in this area, and we are aware of the steps that need to be taken.” A delegation of Israeli experts will arrive in Mariupol at the end of June to have a more substantive discussion.

The decision of the authorities is connected with the launch of the airport. Currently, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and international communities consider flights to Mariupol unsafe since the city is located only 40 km from the contact line. In comparison, 160 km is considered an acceptable distance.

The Israeli tactical missile defence system “Iron Dome”, designed to protect against unguided tactical missiles with a range of 4 km to 70 km, can protect an area of ​​150 square km.

Ukrainian city Mariupol shows interest in Israel’s Iron Dome

Despite the efforts of local authorities, The Mariupol Airport air space may remain unsafe for international passenger flights. It is unknown whether Russia backed separatists have surface-to-air missiles in their possession to pose threats to air platforms.

Ukrainian city Mariupol shows interest in Israel’s Iron Dome