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Ukrainian Military: Russia Patrols Black Sea with Submarines

Ukrainian Military: Russia Patrols Black Sea with Submarines

According to a Ukrainian military spokesperson, Russia uses submarines to patrol the Black Sea after naval losses. Daily Kyiv Independent quoted Southern Defence Forces spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk, who had an interview on national television on June 10. Pletenchuk noted that the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet uses submarines to patrol the sea. He cited Ukraine's missile and unmanned surface vehicle attacks on surface boats as the cause of this. 

Pletenchuk stated, "They have already established a practice in which these submarines rotate in the morning." In the Azov-Black Sea region, there are four submarines, three of which are cruise missile carriers. Two submarines go to sea regularly," he added. There are three Russian landing ships and three Buyan-M small missile ships in the Azov Sea. According to the newspaper, Ukrainian forces allegedly crippled the Rostov-on-Don, one of the Russian fleet's four missile-capable submarines.