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Ulaq Armed with 12.7 mm Weapon Completed Firing Tests

Ulaq Armed with 12.7 mm Weapon Completed Firing Tests

Turkey’s first Armed Unmanned Surface Vehicle “ULAQ” completed firing tests with its new weapon system. Antalya-based ARES Shipyard and Ankara-based Meteksan Defence completed the firing tests by integrating a 12.7 mm remote-controlled weapon system into the ULAQ Unmanned Surface Vehicle. ULAQ, which successfully destroyed the target by firing a missile for the first time in the world from an Unmanned Surface Vehicle in May 2021, will be the guardian of sea borders, naval bases, ports and critical facilities new remote-controlled weapon system. 

In the joint press release on January 24, 2022, Utku Alanç, General Manager of ARES Shipyard, and Selçuk Kerem Alparslan, President of Meteksan Defence, stated: We would like to express with great pride and happiness that we have completed all tests, including the firing tests with the 12.7mm weapon system of the armed unmanned surface vehicle, ULAQ-AUSV. We are aware of how important the ULAQ Unmanned Surface Vehicle is in the protection of sea borders, naval bases, ports, and critical facilities. In this context, we continue our intensive activities to integrate new systems to ULAQ within the scope of different requirements.”Ulaq Armed with 12.7 mm Weapon Completed Firing TestsULAQ has a cruising range of over 400 kilometres, and its top speed can exceed 70 km/h. The AUSV has day/night vision capability, autonomy, crypto and electronic warfare protected communication infrastructure. It is manufactured from advanced composite material. It is designed to execute Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Intelligence, Surface Warfare, Asymmetric Warfare, Armed Escort and Force Protection, and Strategic Facility Security missions. Unlike its previous prototype, which was completed in 2021, Turkey’s First Armed Unmanned Surface Vehicle ULAQ is outfitted with a 12.7mm remote-controlled armament system for crucial base/facility and port defence as surveillance and patrol tasks.Following the new version, which is the first phase of the project initiated by ARES Shipyard and Meteksan Defence in the field of unmanned surface vessels and firing tests of which was completed, the production of ULAQ unmanned surface vehicles for surveillance and intelligence, mine countermeasures, anti-submarine warfare, firefighting, search and rescue missions will also be carried on.Two companies unveiled their unmanned surface vessel concept in October 2019. Their initial project was to establish six different types of ULAQ for civilian and military missions. In 2021 summer, ULAQ attended a naval drill and fired two Cirit missiles to the target in salvo. The Presidency of Defence Industries demanded an unmanned system to protect ports and naval bases. The ULAQ, armed with the 12.7 weapon system, is expected to patrol at a selected naval base.Two companies continue on their journey with new prototypes. The Anti-Submarine Warfare configuration of AUSV is expected next.