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ULAQ Remote Control Station Passed First Tests

ULAQ Remote Control Station Passed First Tests

ARES Shipyard and METEKSAN Defence’s joint project, Turkey’s first indigenous Armed Unmanned Surface Vehicle (AUSV) program, passed a new stage. AUSV program’ platform is called ULAQ. ULAQ Remote Control Station performed successfully in field tests. The Coast Control Station (SAKI) controls the ULAQ prototype from a remote station. 

Designed as a minivan, SAKI includes a captain and a gunner console. ULAQ is managed through the captain’s console. The control and tracking of the missile systems are controlled via the gunner console.

SAKI communicates with ULAQ via Line of Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS-SATCOM) data links.

SAKI provides task planning and tracking function before or during the mission plan. ULAQ AUSV can be fully controlled with “man in the loop” and can perform autonomous programmed missions with “man on the loop”. It enables remote pilotage and shooter-payload operations simultaneously on separate consoles.

ULAQ Remote Control Station Passed First Tests

ULAQ has been built from advanced composites. The platform has a 400 km range, 65 km/h speed, day/night vision capabilities, encrypted communication infrastructure. It can be operated from mobile vehicles and headquarters or naval platforms such as aircraft carriers or frigates.

ULAQ Remote Control Station Passed First Tests

The prototype AUSV’s missile systems include four cells of Cirit and two of L-UMTAS, supplied by Turkish missile systems provider Roketsan. The firing tests are planned for 2021.

ULAQ Remote Control Station Passed First Tests

Along with the missile systems, AUSV will be equipped with different communication and intelligence systems like jamming and electronic warfare systems to correspond to diverse operational needs. AUSV will carry out joint operations with complementary forces such as UAV’s, AUAV’s and TUAV’s.