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Western Powers Show Flag near China

Western Powers Show Flag near China

During Annualex 2021, Royal Australian Navy (RAN) warships completed nine days of maritime warfare training with four nations: Canada, Germany, Japan, and the United States.

Annualex is an annual naval training exercise organized by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. Naval forces from across the world are invited to take part in the event, which aims to establish long-term ties while refining naval skills at all levels. This year"s drill was held in the Philippine Sea, off Japan"s southern coast.

Two Royal Australian Navy (RAN) vessels, HMA Ships Brisbane and Warramunga, joined the US Navy, Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, Royal Canadian Navy, and German Navy to exercise maritime communications, flying operations, replenishment at sea, anti-submarine, and anti-air warfare.

The German Navy engaged in the maritime exercises in this region for the first time in 20 years during Annualex 2021.

Western Powers Show Flag near China