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Who Saves the Drone that Crashes into the Black Sea?

Who Saves the Drone that Crashes into the Black Sea?

The crash brought a new question about who would save the wreckage. The Minister of Defence, Hulusi Akar, said they closely follow the issue, adding, “We have various contacts. We strive to resolve this issue reasonably and logically, internally and by negotiating with our interlocutor, the Americans. We are in favour of a peaceful solution to this”.

Who Saves the Drone that Crashes into the Black Sea?

Akar has yet to close the door to the possibility of US warships passing through the straits for search and salvage purposes. Akar said, “We continue to work with the Presidency in close communication with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defence. We will see the results in the coming period.”

Who Saves the Drone that Crashes into the Black Sea?

Due to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, Turkiye implemented the restrictions of the Montreux Convention. For this reason, the US Navy cannot enter the Black Sea. Turkiye and Russia, the countries bordering the Black Sea, have the opportunity to reach this wreck, but it is not known whether Russia’s Black Sea fleet has this capability. Russia cannot assign another dedicated fleet platform in the Black Sea. On the other hand, Turkiye can bring any ship it wants to the region, especially search ships.

Turkiye had previously requested these UAVs, but this request needed to be met positively. The USA will want to launch its own UAV. The second option would probably be to approve Turkiye’s removal against the possibility of Russia’s landing. In such a case, it would not be surprising that the US would like to send observers to Turkish ships.