belharra News

Naval Group Upgrades last "La Fayette" Class Frigate
Navy / Maritime Modernisation

Naval Group Upgrades last "La Fayette" Class Frigate

French Naval Group delivered the third and last upgraded "La Fayette" class frigate FS "Aconit" (F-713) to the French Navy.

Naval Group Launches French Navy’s first FDI
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

Naval Group Launches French Navy’s first FDI

The lead ship of the French Navy’s first defence and intervention frigate FDI class, also known as Belharra class Amiral Ronar’ch, was launched in Lorient.

HN Wanted So Badly but Money Talks for Armament
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile

HN Wanted So Badly but Money Talks for Armament

France and Greece established a “strategic partnership” in defence where France would supply the air and naval platforms and armament. Greece believes that the acquisition of new frigates will shift the power balance to Greece in the Aegean Sea and East-Med. However, the Greek publication indicates that the Belharra-class frigates will lack what the Hellenic Navy (HN) wanted most.

Greece Buys French Frigates
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations

Greece Buys French Frigates

Greece prefers French ships to modernise its naval forces with Naval Group’s Frégate de Défense et d'Intervention (FDI)(the export designation Belh@rra®)