Blue flag News

Guess the Missing at Israel’s Blue Flag; Jordan
Air Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Bilateral Relations

Guess the Missing at Israel’s Blue Flag; Jordan

Eight countries attended the Blue Flag Aerial Exercise in Israel. United Arab Emirates Air Chief visited the drill, and eight others flew for the drill.

The UAE Air Chief visits Israel to Observe the 'Blue Flag' Drill
Air Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Bilateral Relations

The UAE Air Chief visits Israel to Observe the 'Blue Flag' Drill

UAE Air Force chief al-Alawi visited Israel to meet with IAF chief Amikam Norkin. Israel opposes the UAE acquiring F-35s unless it gets F-22s.

Israel’s “Blue Flag” Exercise Began in Uvda Air Base
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Israel’s “Blue Flag” Exercise Began in Uvda Air Base

Israel’s international bi-annual “Blue Flag” exercise is held at Uvda Air Force Base, with seven air forces and will last until Thursday, October 28th.