Camcopter S-100 News

Italian Navy Announces UAV Plans for Ships
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Italian Navy Announces UAV Plans for Ships

The Italian Navy has announced a roadmap for integrating various UAVs on its surface combatants, divided into three phases.

EDGE Group Receives Order for Rotary-Wing UAVs
Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show

EDGE Group Receives Order for Rotary-Wing UAVs

UAE-based defence firm EDGE Group announced an order from UAE MoD for HT-100 and HT-750 rotary-wing UAVs.

The Indian Navy Trains on Schiebel's S-100s
Unmanned Systems Navy / Maritime Air

The Indian Navy Trains on Schiebel's S-100s

The Indian Navy's first batch of pilots and maintainers to support Schiebel's S-100 unmanned rotary wing aerial systems have completed their training.

Camcopter S-100 to Detect Submarines
Navy / Maritime Unmanned Systems

Camcopter S-100 to Detect Submarines

Naval use of unmanned aerial systems is enlarging day by day. The latest development came from Camcopter S-100.