Eurofighter News

Turkish Air Force Commander visits the UK
Air Bilateral Relations

Turkish Air Force Commander visits the UK

Turkish Air Force Commander General Hasan Küçükakyüz visited the United Kingdom to discuss future aerial platforms between Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Leonardo Denies Being Investigated for Kuwait's Eurofighter

Leonardo Denies Being Investigated for Kuwait's Eurofighter

Leonardo stated that it is not the focus of a court inquiry into the Kuwait Eurofighter programme and that its deal to provide 28 fighters is going as planned.

Germany discuss the f-35 Acquisition plan

Germany discuss the f-35 Acquisition plan

Germany plans to replace its Luftwaffe’s ageing Tornado fleet. the F-35 and Eurofighter Electronic Combat Role (ECR) are the most probable options.

Israel’s “Blue Flag” Exercise Began in Uvda Air Base
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software

Israel’s “Blue Flag” Exercise Began in Uvda Air Base

Israel’s international bi-annual “Blue Flag” exercise is held at Uvda Air Force Base, with seven air forces and will last until Thursday, October 28th.

France, Germany, Spain reached an agreement on FCAS

France, Germany, Spain reached an agreement on FCAS

France, Germany, and Spain decided on the division of tasks as they reached an agreement regarding Phase 1B of the FCAS development program.

F-35 "Parade" in front of S-400 Triumf Radars
Air E/W Regional / Strategy Sensors

F-35 "Parade" in front of S-400 Triumf Radars

Italian Air Force F-35A fighter jets flew to Estonia to start their service as part of NATO’s Air Policing mission to “Secure the Skies”.

Storm Shadow Becomes Operational
Weapon / Missile

Storm Shadow Becomes Operational

British Royal Air Force Typhoon FGR4 fighter jets have employed the conventionally armed Storm Shadow cruise missile for the first time in combat.