göktuğ News

Turkish Air-To-Air Missiles at Their Final Stages
Weapon / Missile Air

Turkish Air-To-Air Missiles at Their Final Stages

Bozdoğan and Gökdoğan air-to-air missiles produced for the Turkish Air Force are ready for acceptance tests.

Göktuğ Production Agreement Signed
Air Expo and Air Show Weapon / Missile

Göktuğ Production Agreement Signed

The first low-scale production of the Göktuğ missile family is secured at IDEF. Gökdoğan and Bozdoğan missiles to be delivered by 2025.

Turkish BVR Missile Passed the Test with Radar Seeker
Weapon / Missile

Turkish BVR Missile Passed the Test with Radar Seeker

President of the Defence Industry Agency (DIA), Professor İsmail Demir, announced from his social media accounts that Tubitak SAGE’s (Defence Industry Research and Development Institute) Gökdoğan Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile BVR/Peregrine) was fired with radar seeker. Demir stated that BVR Peregrine and Bozdoğan Within Visual Range (WVR/Merlin) would be delivered to the Turkish Armed Forces.

F-16s to get Ramjet Engine air to air missile Gökhan
Air Weapon / Missile Expo and Air Show

F-16s to get Ramjet Engine air to air missile Gökhan

TUBİTAK SAGE’s director Gökhan Okumuş stated that Gökhan air to air missiles with Ramjet engines would be used first on F-16 aircraft.

SAGE Begins Ramjet engine project: Gökhan
Air Weapon / Missile

SAGE Begins Ramjet engine project: Gökhan

Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar announced TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) SAGE’s (Defence Industries Research and Development Institute) new project; air to air missile with ramjet engine Gökhan.

Indigenous Claw for the Fighting Falcon
Air Weapon / Missile

Indigenous Claw for the Fighting Falcon

Turkey’s air-to-air missile Bozdoğan successfully hit the target.