görgün News

Akyol is appointed as CEO of ASELSAN

Akyol is appointed as CEO of ASELSAN

ASELSAN Vice president at the Board of Directors Ahmet Akyol is appointed CEO of ASELSAN. The appointment decision is declared at KAP.

New Deputy Minister Appointments to the Defence Ministry

New Deputy Minister Appointments to the Defence Ministry

Deputy ministers who will work with the defence minister Yaşar Güler have been announced. SSB Vice President Celal Sami Tüfekçi’s new post drew attention.

New Vacancy at SSB’s Head of Industrialisation Department

New Vacancy at SSB’s Head of Industrialisation Department

SSB President Professor Haluk Görgün plans new changes at the institution. One of the most strategic departments head is no longer in this post.

Turkish-US Relations Enters “La Détente” Era
Bilateral Relations

Turkish-US Relations Enters “La Détente” Era

U.S. will not apply CAATSA to Professor Haluk Görgün, SSB’S newly appointed President. This policy allows CAATSA to become inactive as management changes.

New Term at SSB and Defence Sector

New Term at SSB and Defence Sector

President of Defence Industry Agency (SSB) Professor Haluk Görgün signs new developments under his rule. This wind of change affects TAFF as well.

Görgün took over the Presidency

Görgün took over the Presidency

Successor and predecessor Presidents Demir and Görgün met today at Defence Industry Agency (SSB).

The Test of Relations with USA: CAATSA and Görgün
Bilateral Relations

The Test of Relations with USA: CAATSA and Görgün

The U.S. imposed CAATSA on Turkiye on December 2020. The change of administration in SSB will be a test of bilateral relations between the U.S. and Turkiye.

Görgün’s First Emphasis: Independency and Nationalism

Görgün’s First Emphasis: Independency and Nationalism

SSB’s newly appointed president Görgün, emphasises independence and nationalism in the defence industry.

Professor Görgün new President of SSB

Professor Görgün new President of SSB

The Directorate of Communications announced that Professor Haluk Görgün is appointed as the President of the Defence Industry Agency (SSB).

Weapon / Missile


ASELSAN CEO Görgün presented how Active Protection System AKKOR functions against anti-tank missiles with a video.

ASELSAN Converts Altay to a Command Control Centre
Land E/W Sensors

ASELSAN Converts Altay to a Command Control Centre

BMC Savunma has delivered two “New Altay” Main Battle Tanks to Turkish Armed Forces.

ASELSAN Signed an Export Contract of Approximately 19 million USD

ASELSAN Signed an Export Contract of Approximately 19 million USD

ASELSAN signed an international sales contract worth $18.87 million for the supply of defence systems for a major international shipyard.

Haluk Görgün: "We don't need S-400s"
Weapon / Missile

Haluk Görgün: "We don't need S-400s"

ASELSAN Chairman of the Board Haluk Görgün stated that Turkiye’s air defence systems are being developed and said, “We do not need the S-300s and S-400s.”

ASELSAN's Annual Turnover Increases by 75 Per Cent

ASELSAN's Annual Turnover Increases by 75 Per Cent

ASELSAN’s financial results for 2022 have been announced as the company’s shares are on Istanbul Stock Market. Accordingly, ASELSAN’s annual turnover increased by 75 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year and reached 35.3 billion TL. ASELSAN continued its growth this year as well. Following the company’s increasing gross profit, earnings before interest taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 72 per cent compared to the same period of the last year and reached 9.5 billion TL. With an EBITDA margin of 27 per cent, ASELSAN’s net profit increased by 67 per cent compared to the same period of the previous year and reached TL 11.9 billion. The company’s equity-to-assets ratio was 52 per cent.