harop News

Lentatek Exhibits KARGI Kamikaze UAVs in EFES-2024
Weapon / Missile Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Unmanned Systems

Lentatek Exhibits KARGI Kamikaze UAVs in EFES-2024

Lentatek has presented its KARGI’s RF seeker and gimbal EO/IR seeker variants in its booth during the EFES-2024 exercise.

Israels Expands Loitering Munitions Towards Asia
Ammunition Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show

Israels Expands Loitering Munitions Towards Asia

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) and Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) signed a MoU on Oct. 20 on a loitering munitions program during ADEX 2021.

Western Media Targets STM’s Kargu-2
Air Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems

Western Media Targets STM’s Kargu-2

The Western media have started an anti-campaign for STM’s Kargu-2 drone. Human Rights Watch initiated the campaign three weeks ago.

Unmanned AN-2s: Azerbaijan’s Unknown Heroes
Air Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems Sensors

Unmanned AN-2s: Azerbaijan’s Unknown Heroes

Middle East Eye (MEE) unrevealed information about the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict. According to Ragıp Soylu’s report, the Azerbaijani military used Soviet-era Antonov An-2 single-engine aircraft as a decoy to destroy Russian S-300s with Israeli “Harop” suicide drones.