icbm News

SM-6 Dual II AD Missile Intercepts MRBM Target
Weapon / Missile

SM-6 Dual II AD Missile Intercepts MRBM Target

SM-6 Dual II long-range air defence missile intercepted Northrop Grumman’s MRBM T3c2 target missile during MDA’s firing test for the AEGIS system.

LGM-35 Sentinel ICBM Programme Faces Cost Overruns
Weapon / Missile

LGM-35 Sentinel ICBM Programme Faces Cost Overruns

The U.S.’ future ICBM programme LGM-35 Sentinel is facing a cost overrun, reaching “critical” status as of January 2024.

Second Stage Rocket of the U.S.’s Sentinel ICBM Tested
Weapon / Missile

Second Stage Rocket of the U.S.’s Sentinel ICBM Tested

Northrop Grumman has announced the test of the U.S.’s future LGM-35 Sentinel ICBM’s second-stage solid-fuel rocket motor.

North Korea displays new solid-propellant ICBM
Weapon / Missile

North Korea displays new solid-propellant ICBM

North Korea displayed its new solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) during a military parade.

North Korea Tests the “World’s Most Powerful” ICBM
Weapon / Missile

North Korea Tests the “World’s Most Powerful” ICBM

Kim Jong Un declares North Korea's ambition for the world's most powerful nuclear force. Military promotions follow recent ballistic missile launch.

USAF’s New GBSD Weapon System Designated as LGM-35A Sentinel
Weapon / Missile

USAF’s New GBSD Weapon System Designated as LGM-35A Sentinel

The U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) has designated its new Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) weapon system as the LGM-35A Sentinel.

North Korean Ballistic Missile Test Seems to have Failed Mid-Air
Weapon / Missile

North Korean Ballistic Missile Test Seems to have Failed Mid-Air

A North Korean projectile, likely a ballistic missile, fired Wednesday exploded mid-air at an altitude below 20km, the ROK military claimed.

USA: North Korea Conducted Two Ballistic Missile Tests
Weapon / Missile

USA: North Korea Conducted Two Ballistic Missile Tests

According to the US State Department, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted two ballistic missile tests on February 26 and March 4, 2022, EST.

Minuteman III Test Launch Aborts Prior to Launch
Air Weapon / Missile

Minuteman III Test Launch Aborts Prior to Launch

Air Force Global Strike Command announced that an unarmed Minuteman III test launch experienced a ground abort prior to launch.

Russia to develop new-generation ICBM
Weapon / Missile

Russia to develop new-generation ICBM

According to TASS, Russia will begin its new-generation intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Kedr, 2023-2024.